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JURASSIC STUDIOS! Universal Studios DAY 2 - ft. Transformers, The Mummy & Jurassic Park Ride!


JURASSIC STUDIOS! Universal Studios DAY 2 - ft. Transformers, The Mummy & Jurassic Park Ride!

Click here to see the rest of our Universal Studios Adventure! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Click here to see DAY 1: https://youtu.be/Mf5boI60FsA
Click here to see DAY 2: https://youtu.be/JFC1lERIUyY
Click here to see DAY 3: https://youtu.be/yoEn_5pyY1Y
Click here to see DAY 4: https://youtu.be/u0lP-m_rVYo

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As promised, we are celebrating 2,000,000 subscribers on EvanTubeHD, 1,000,000 subscribers on EvanTubeRAW and 500,000 subscribers on EvanTubeGaming by going to Universal Studios Hollywood!

We were busy during the first half of the day that week, so we only got to go to the park for 3 hours before it closed each day. But we got a season pass at Costco so we were able to go 4 days in a row!

On DAY 2 we went on the Jurassic Park ride. Jillian didn't want to go on it so she got to play in the Dino Play Child Switch area and Evan got to ride twice. Then it was off to The Mummy and Transformers Ride. We finished off the 3 hour excursion with a Squishee from Krustyland and the special effects show.

We got a bite to eat at Universal CityWalk and went shopping at the Things From Another World store! Stay tuned for more of our Universal Studios adventure!

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music
Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects


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